The calendar says December, but the thermometer isn’t so sure.  It doesn’t really matter! The reality is that it is December and it is the Spring of Real Estate! If you are thinking about selling your home this year in April or May, it is time in December and January to get ready to go on the market!

real estate concept with US dollars and mini house, shallow dofHow long will it take you to do all the jobs you were planning in order to get your property ready show?

There is the cleaning and purging, the fixing and painting, the replacing and repairing. There is the paper work and preparation for photography.  This all takes time.  To get your house ready to go on the market by mid January, you have less than a month!

When the house goes active it could take month or more to go under contract. By then your closing would be in April or May.

By preparing during the winter months you will be ready to move fast when others are just coming on the market.

We at the Lise Howe Group maintain a complete list of great contractors which we are always happy to share with you! Whether you need a painter to change a little girl’s room from boring white to charming pink or a landscaper to get your front yard ready to go on the market, we can help find that contact for you!

If you want to know the value of your home in this ever changing market, please give us a call at 240-401-5577 or email us at – and if you like the numbers you hear, we can help you get your home ready for market!